2024 December 9th - 11th (2 spots left)

We Love Our Small Schools & We Know You Love To Camp

We want our small schools to have the best experience at the best price. This is why we developed our Small School Camp.

This programme is designed to maximise FUN and minimise cost by hosting multiple small groups at once!

During the day schools participate in a range of activities with their classmates. For meal times all schools dine together in the Main Hall and are rostered on for duties. In the evenings schools are able to plan their own programme which can include campfires, wide games, concerts, waterslide etc. If schools want to do any activities with other schools in the evening this can also be arranged.

Either sign up for a scheduled Small Schools camp or get a group of your local schools together and talk to us about dates that work for you.

Below is our 2023 information. This will be updated in the new year with 2024 details. 




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Want to express interest...

Wnat us to run a Small Schools Camp for specific schools in your community


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