Check out this video from past campers for an idea of what to expect!
Camp Columba's icon! Bundle up in a wool sack and be prepared to get some serious air. Once you go down, you'll want to do it again and again - and again. Two adult helpers required.
Slip and slide away down the hill. It's wet, it's fast, it's fun! An adult supervisor is all that's needed for this activity.
This is a great team activity - encourage each other as you navigate the different challenges - your buddies backing you up as spotters! One or two adult helpers required.
Embrace your inner Katniss Everdeen or Robin Hood and get in some target practice! Learn the basics of the ancient and noble art of archery on our range. One adult helper required.
Bring your own ingredients to make tasty damper or roast marshmallows over a warming fire - nothing tastes as good as when it's char-coaled on the end of a stick and sampled in the great outdoors. One or two adult helpers needed.
We provide the materials, you provide the know-how. Once you've built a sea-worthy craft, take up the challenge of rescuing from the pontoon. Be quick, the clock is ticking. The activity requires two adults who are competent swimmers.
Bush craft looks at the environmental care code, hypothermia, how to build a make-shift stretcher out of rope and bivvy-making. Adult supervision is required.
This is a great introduction to navigation, practising compass skills and following directions! Split into small groups to find your way around one out of three course options. One adult helper required.
Grab some mates and come and join us on our newly installed Bouncy Pillow!
These are challenges to help develop communication, teamwork, problem-solving and trust in your team. Can you get your whole group safely through the spider web and across the lake of burning lava? Adult supervision required.
The beauty of seeing physics in action! This activity starts with rocket design and construction, then a series of test flights involving compressed air propulsion to see how high your rocket can fly! One adult helper required.
A competition to see who can complete the course with the smallest number of throws! A great challenge requiring concentration to test and improve your ability. Adult supervision required.
Gather everyone together for an evening of fun. Roast marshmallows under the stars and break out those campfire songs. Adult supervision required.
Take on some challenges where teamwork, problem solving and communication are key. Can you make your way through the minefield or escape from the person you’re tied to? One adult helper required.
An activity for up to 30 people at a time. Play some team building games that are followed by a team debrief that incorporates Christian values. Adults welcome and encouraged to join in! This activity is run by a Columba Staff member.
A great activity to start the kids on when they first get to camp. This will have them running around camp to collect different items and get familiar with camp at the same time. Perfect activity to do while the adults are at their activity briefing.

Camp Columba's Safety Management System has been audited and certified by Qualworx against the Safety Audit Standard for Adventure Activities.